In the afternoon, during a ceremony at the Beijing Childrens Hospital, the inauguration of the newly decorated childrens ward took place.
Brand Ambassador Ms. Shuqi[[MORE]]
The Smile Painters of Paint a Smile - a Geneva-based charity organization - have worked for two months in a row to give the children what they deserve: a positive, encouraging and colorful environment. Aim is to emphasize on the fact that hospital care not just about medicine and treatment, but also about environment and spirit. Moreover, the children got to meet a big star!
Frédérique Constant is proud to be part of this Paint a Smile project, the first of its kind in China. The founder of Paint a Smile, Mrs. Laura Cotton was the winner of the Frédérique Constant Passion Awards in 2008 in Geneva.
In the evening, more than 250 international and local VIP guests and members of the press attended a celebration at the Meat & Wine Co -which is part of the historical yet trendy Ch'ienmen 23 landmark compound in the heart of Beijing.
Shuqi, Peter Stas & Laura Cotton
During this event, guests enjoyed a mini talk show with Brand Ambassador Ms. Shuqi, Paint a Smile founder Mrs. Laura Cotton and Frederique Constant CEO Mr. Peter Stas, followed by musical entertainment and an exquisite dinner.