Every year, the international woman’s magazine Cosmopolitan runs their Beauty Awards show and this time round it was held in ShangHai and we were extremely proud to be one of the principal sponsors of the event. Many of the world’s star brands were present and we were no exception. [[MORE]]This is a particularly high profile event held in a country that has developed out of all recognition so it was only appropriate that we were there.
At the opening of the Awards the red carpet was rolled out to welcome the stars of Chinese stage and screen, and amongst the actresses present were Vivan Wu, Zhuziyan, Huosiyan, Landy, Ann, Yaochen, Huangxiaolo, AnnieWu, Huke, and Ambose Xu, stars known to all of China and Chinese audiences around the globe, and we at Frederique Constant were especially gratified that these famous celebrities chose to wear our watches to the show. At a beauty awards show it was important that these beautiful women were able to wear beautiful creations, and our watches definitely fall into that category!
At the show everyone was clearly living their passion and we are happy to have helped contribute to that.
Live your Passion